Colour Psychology: The Best Paints To Use In Every Room

Your home is a quiet oasis compared to the hustle and bustle of the outside world, where this private realm is somewhere to rest and recharge, but also to entertain, experience and create. As such, it is important to decorate carefully in order to build a suitable space in which to live your life.

You can make sure that every room is serving its purpose by harnessing the subtle powers of colour psychology. This is the study of how colours impact human mood and behaviour, where you can utilise this approach as you paint your home. In addition to painting your walls and ceilings in accordance with colour psychology, you can also customise wooden floors, doors and window panes to reflect your chosen colour scheme.

Read on to find out which colours are best suited to different rooms in your home, with a look at the various accessories that you may choose to paint as part of your process.


Your bedroom should provide a comprehensive retreat from the stresses of the waking world, where cool shades of blue and green can help to promote a restful environment. Pale pink and lavender can also be used to calm the nerves and invoke a subtle romantic atmosphere. Consider painting your bed frame, bookcase or wardrobe one of these soothing colours.

Kitchen & Dining Rooms

For a busy kitchen, earthy tones such as green and terracotta can create a grounded feel, whilst an energetic orange or yellow helps to foster a sociable cooking environment. For your dining space, rich reds can stimulate conversation and provide a formal backdrop. Enhance your dining table, chairs or kitchen cupboards with these stimulating shades.


Clean colours are a popular choice for bathroom spaces, where you should opt for whites and light blues for a fresh feel. A light green can also make for a stress relieving choice, where this may feel less cold than a traditional blue. Choose one of these tones for your bathroom cabinets, mirror frames or shelves to feel their effects.

Office & Study Spaces

A home office or study should allow you to prioritise concentration, where focus colours such as blue and green can assist with this. You may also wish to consider a burst of yellow for confidence and enhanced productivity. Apply these paints to your wooden desk or your storage units to enhance your space.

Treatex: Wood Enhancement For Your Interior

Explore the Treatex Classic Colour Collection or our subtle Colour Tones range to find the perfect wood paint for your interior. Whether you’re searching for a toasty terracotta or a soothing sea mist, we have the shade to suit you. Explore the full range today or get in touch with our expert team to find out more about our paints.
